Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

For the Biggest Beatles Fans Whom I Have Ever Known

Ayah saya adalah seorang penggemar the Beatles. Die hard fans, istilahnya. Entah ada berapa puluh kaset yang berjejer rapi tanpa debu di rumah kami. Awalnya saya sempat heran kenapa ayah mau beli kaset yang sebegitu banyak. Bukan karena menurut ibu beli kaset itu buang-buang uang (dan tempat, because she had more plates to put!) tapi pada saat itu, tidak ada radio, tape atau barang-barang sejenis buat memutar kaset di rumah. Buat pajangan, barangkali?

  “Namanya juga ngefans.”

Butuh waktu sampai saya sedikit lebih besar sampai saya mengerti kalimat ini. Ngefans. Case closed.

Senin, 05 Mei 2014


“Hey, thank you.” She stops right after we passed the big gate in front of Fushimi Inari. “Kyoto was… really great. You know I had fallen for Kyoto from the beginning.”

“I know,”

As usual, a short answer that I always give to her. I hope a small nod will make a difference this time. The awkward atmosphere is lingering. She seems like she is looking for a question to ask, something that she always do when we are in a conversation. And I, just like usual, playing role as someone who is waiting to be asked.